He already knows!!!! The only two people you absolutely need to tell the truth to are your lawyer and your doctor. Both cannot help you without all the facts.
I have said this line in my practice more times than I can count. When people draft their wills, confidential information needs to be exchanged between the client and their attorney. Many people may feel uncomfortable with disclosing personal information to their attorney. I understand this completely. People may feel embarrassed about things that have happened in their lives by things like divorce, substance abuse by a spouse or child, crazy family members (trust me, there's one in EVERY FAMILY), children born out of wedlock, or what they consider to be lack of wealth accumulation.
Guess what? I have heard it all. After 15 years of practicing law, there's very little that surprises me any more. I always said I should have written down all the wild stories that my clients have told me and written a book (anonymously, of course.) In my practice, I try to make people feel as comfortable as possible. Everyone has little embarrassing stories that has happened to them. I AM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. It is important to give your attorney a very complete picture of your situation so we are best able to help you with your legal problems. All information is kept in the strictest of confidence. You do not need to be embarrassed or afraid to say anything. I have heard it all and I do not judge people. Life is hard, everyone gets scraped up along the way. MYSELF INCLUDED.
Most people are actually surprised how easy and painless it is to get a will and other legal documents drafted. I've heard "geez, I shoulda done that a long time ago"!!! a thousand times. Come in a see us! Contact us at 610-804-1382 or bartholflaw@gmail.com.